Naziv projekta / Project title:
Između rata i mira. Transformacija kulturnog krajolika međuriječja Krke i Cetine od protohistorije do kasne antike / Between war and peace. The transformation of the cultural landscape between the Krka and Cetina rivers from Protohistory to Late Antiquity
Voditelj projekta / Principal Investigator:
izv. prof. dr. sc. Domagoj Tončinić
Ustanova / Host Institution:
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Filozofski fakultet, Odsjek za arheologiju / University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Archaeology
Financiranje / Funding:
Hrvatska zaklada za znanost / Croatian Science Foundation, IP-2022-10-6994
Trajanje / Duration:
listopad 2023 – rujan 2027
Sažetak / Summary:
Glavni cilj projekta TiHiTransForm je utvrditi kako su i u kojoj mjeri potrebe za obranom i nadzorom prostora kroz nekoliko ključnih povijesnih procesa od protohistorije do kasne antike utjecale na transformaciju kulturnog krajolika međuriječja Krke i Cetine. Namjera projekta je istražiti odabrana potencijalna arheološka nalazišta koja nisu bila predmetom istraživanja prethodnog projekta AdriaRom (HRZZ-IP-2018-01-4934, voditelj: izv. prof. dr. sc. D. Tončinić). Ciljani prostor istraživanja projekta TiHiTransForm stoga će obuhvatiti ono područje koje je u okviru projekta AdriaRom snimljeno LiDAR-om, a to je prostor između Krke i Cetine. Hipoteza projekta TiHiTransForm je da su potrebe obrane i nadzora utjecale na transformaciju kulturnog krajolika međuriječja Krke i Cetine u razdoblju od protohistorije do kasne antike. S obzirom na cilj i hipotezu, formirana su sljedeća istraživačka pitanja: IP1.) Koja je funkcija gradinskih položaja nakon uspostave rimske vlasti i tijekom kasne antike?; IP2.) Kako je podizanje rimskih vojnih logora na delmatskom limesu utjecalo na formiranje civilnih naselja (canabae, vici)?; IP3.) Kako gospodarske aktivnosti rimske vojske utječu na transformaciju kulturnog krajolika?; IP4.) Kako je odlazak rimske vojske utjecao na daljnji razvoj urbanih i ruralnih naselja civilnog karaktera, a s time i na nadzor nad prometom ljudi i roba?; IP5.) Kakav je odnos kasnoantičkih naselja i vila rustika s ranokršćanskim sakralnim građevinama?; IP6.) Koja je funkcija položaja nekadašnjih rimskih vojnih logora na delmatskom limesu tijekom kasne antike? Trenutačno stanje u temi istraživanja projekta TiHiTransForm, u kombinaciji s rezultatima dobivenim u okviru projekta AdriaRom, pokazuju da se implementacijom inovativne metodologije može odgovoriti na glavni cilj i hipotezu projekta TiHiTransForm.
The main goal of the TiHiTransForm project is to determine how and to what extent the need for defense and control through several key historical processes influenced transformation of the cultural landscape between the Krka and Cetina rivers from protohistory to Late Antiquity. The project aims to investigate specific archaeological sites that were not the subject of research in the previous project AdriaRom (HRZZ-IP-2018-01-4934, PI: D. Tončinić, Ph.D.). The target research area of the TiHiTransForm project will cover the area that was scanned with LiDAR within AdriaRom project, i.e. the area between Krka and Cetina rivers. TiHiTransForm project hypothesizes that the need for defense and control influenced the transformation of the cultural landscape between the Krka and Cetina rivers in the period from protohistory to Late Antiquity. Concerning the goal and hypothesis, the following research questions were formed: RQ1) What is the function of hillfort sites after the establishment of Roman rule and during Late Antiquity?; RQ2) How did the establishment of Roman military camps on the Delmataean limes affect the formation of civilian settlements?; RQ3) How did the economic activities of the Roman army affect the transformation of the cultural landscape?; RQ4) How did the departure of the Roman legions affect the further development of urban and rural settlements of civilian character, and with it the control over traffic of people and goods?; RQ5) How was the relation of the Late Antique settlements and villae rusticate with the early Christian sacral buildings?; RQ6) What was the function of the former Roman military sites on the Delmataean Limes during the Late Antiquity? The current state of research on the topic of the TiHiTransForm project, combined with the results obtained within the AdriaRom project, show that the implementation of this innovative methodology can answer the main goal and hypothesis of the TiHiTransForm project.